Jobs to suit your study timetable


You’ve found your feet in this new world of college.  The juggling of lectures with a social life with suddenly having to look after yourself was overwhelming at first, but a routine is setting in. That routine involves spending money – lots of it – so your mind is turning to the prospect of a job. But with exams on the horizon, you’re worried about how to balance work with study.

You needn’t. Truth is, in today’s buzzy economy, there are jobs out there that allow you to pick your hours to suit your own timetable. And – more good news – November is the one of the best months to be looking for them.

These jobs are in events. Plentiful and perfectly suited to the student lifestyle, event roles comprise hosts, ushers, bar tenders, waiters/waitresses and lots more, often in some of the biggest and most glamorous venues in town. Flexible and fun would be a good way of summing them up. After all, working in concert venues you get close the stars and the buzz of the big event, be it a concert, awards function or corporate Christmas party …. and Dublin in particular is awash with events of this kind coming up to Christmas.

Need convincing? Here are 6 Big Pluses of events jobs:

+ flexibility

Can you spare even 4 hours a month from your study schedule? Then events jobs can work for you. You’re not tied to a set number of hours and can typically pick when you want to work and for how long.

+ excitement

This is no boring office job – events have their own buzz which spills over to those working at them. Every gig is different and you will often get to see – and certainly hear – the stars on stage (all the while keeping your eye on the job at hand of course!). These are jobs that make for great experiences and great conversations with your envious classmates afterwards!

+ no time wasting

No need to spend your precious time and money sending off speculative CVs to all and sundry in the hope that someone might get back to you – with a recruiter like Eden Recruitment involved, you have one port of call and all the work is done for you.

+ the CV

Events are an easy way to add some colourful work experience to your CV, which will really help when you go hunting for those summer jobs. For future careers that involve events, such as PR or theatre production, the exposure which the event jobs provide will help you stand out from other applicants.

+ the odd freebie!

Don’t tell anyone, but some of our clients sometimes give free tickets to friends and family of staff for selected events!

+ some (very) handy spending money

You won’t get rich on events jobs, but pay rates compare very well with many roles that don’t offer half the fun or flexibility!

Lots of students don’t know about events jobs. If they did, many would sign up as soon as term begins. It’s not just the money – they are a way of meeting like-minded young people in an atmosphere of great camaraderie and teamwork. And ‘signing up’ isn’t difficult – it just means sending a simple email with your CV to Kara Power in Eden Recruitment at

If you’re a student in need of a bit more cash, what are you waiting for??


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